Linking on Pinterest

I can’t remember when exactly I discovered the addicting world of pinterest, but it has been an amazing place for inspiration and creativity! From recipes to crafts to decorating, you can find it all and more on pinterest! I love scrolling through boards and pins, finding blogs and inspiration I wouldn’t have found otherwise.

But recently it seems a lot of people are using pinterest, as well as other similar sites, as a way to pirate ideas and pictures and pass them off as their own. I read this article by Amy from
about people pirating images to get more hits for their blogs and not giving credit to the original sources. I have also read similar stories on other blogs, so this is becoming a wide spread problem.

I always looked at Pinterest as a way to save pics of ideas of crafts I wanted to try or hairstyles I liked, not as a way to get followers or to “ride the popular Pinterest train”. I hadn’t realized so many of the things I hit “repin” on might not be linked to the original source, so I have been going through my pins and making sure each one is a direct link to the original source. This is taking a while, since I have so many pins, but I know I would be upset if someone took my ideas and passed it off as their own. And if someone pins one of my pics, I would want the people who click on that link led back to my blog, not someone else’s claiming it was their idea/pic.

Pinterest is a great source for inspiration and ideas, don’t ruin it but stealing someone’s pics or ideas. Ask permission to use someones pics and respect their wishes if they decline. And if you make something from a  pin you saw on pinterest, credit the original source, don’t let other people think it is your idea.

I hope people take a moment to consider other people’s feelings, and give credit where its due.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Gizmo and Nova, doing what they do best

About kittyisnotamused

I am an eclectic crafter whose hobbies currently include knitting, crochet, making journals, cooking, and quilting, although I have also been addicted to jewelry making, scrapbooking, sewing, and many others. My passion for creating runs a wide gamut and jumps back and forth from new hobbies to old often. I live with my hubby and our 3 pets: 1 grown puppy with the attention span of a goldfish, and 2 lazy chubby kitties. Kitties who, despite my best efforts to gain their enthusiasm, show no interest in what I'm working on except to lay on whatever it is occasionally. The hubby's reactions are better, which is why he gets many handmade items and the kitties only a few, but his reactions are usually confused smiles and nods with "thats great sweety!" The dog shows the most enthusiasm but mostly that translates into her trying to snot and eat whatever I am showing to her... I suppose thats just life tho :) Thanks for stopping in, feel free to leave a comment!
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