
I am an eclectic crafter whose hobbies currently include knitting, crochet, making journals, and quilting, although I have also been addicted to jewelry making, scrapbooking, sewing, and many others. My passion for creating runs a wide gamut and jumps back and forth from new hobbies to old often.

I live with my hubby and our 3 pets: 1 grown puppy with the attention span of a goldfish, and 2 lazy chubby kitties. Kitties who, despite my best efforts to gain their enthusiasm, show no interest in what I’m working on except to lay on whatever it is occasionally. The hubby’s reactions are better, which is why he gets many handmade items and the kitties only a few, but his reactions are usually confused smiles and nods with “thats great sweety!” The dog shows the most enthusiasm but mostly that translates into her trying to snot and eat whatever I am showing to her… I suppose thats just life tho πŸ™‚
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6 Responses to About

  1. en dios confiamos says:

    thanks for liking my posts πŸ™‚

  2. gonerustic says:

    Life is never boring when you have pets – and I think husbands are often confused by their wives … what would we do without them! =D

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